PRIMARY school bosses have been left "really pleased" after the site was given plenty of praise in its new report from watchdogs.

Cold Norton Primary School has been rated good by Ofsted following a two-day inspection.

The judged the school to be good across the board in the categories of quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early years provision.

It is the first time the site has been inspected in more than a decade, with the last one taking place 12 years ago.

It was exempted by law from routine inspections, leaving a longer gap than usual between graded inspections.

Since the last visit, it was noted how the school has undergone "significant" changes in staffing and leadership, with "bold decisions" made to improve the school’s curriculum.

The report was full of praise for its pupils, staff, safeguarding and more.

It reads: "Pupils commend their school highly.

"They trust adults because they are fair and treat everyone equally.

"Adults listen to pupils and value their opinions. Pupils and adults get on well together.

"Pupils feel safe and cared for at school."

Inspectors also described playtimes as "joyful", with "lots of activities to suit everyone".

"All pupils play happily together with older pupils looking out for younger ones," it said.

The report continued: "The school ensures pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the support they need.

"There are systems in place to identify these pupils quickly and accurately. The school works closely with families so they understand what is best for these pupils.

"Pupils with SEND achieve well."

Inspectors also praised the school's new phonics programme, which which assists younger students in learning sounds and letters.

It was said staff deliver the programme "consistently well", with children in reception enjoying it.

The report added how staff are behind the recent changes and feel "well supported", with safeguarding at the school deemed "effective".

Headteacher Emily Pinkett said: "We are really pleased with the outcome of our recent Ofsted inspection.

"It reflects the hard work, dedication and community spirit of the staff, pupils, governors and families.

"The inspection recognises many of our strengths, to achieve a ‘good’ judgement is especially pleasing, given the newer framework under which the school was inspected,"